Gain the Victory
May 25, 2023

From Jim Hundertmark
Greetings MAC Family!
I’ve been thinking about the uncertainties we face in life a lot lately. As many of you know, Carman is looking for a new principal as I’m headed to the Conference office. The search has not yet yielded a candidate that is the proper fit for our Carman Family. So we continue to look and deal with the uncertainty of not knowing who the next leader of our school will be.
In our lives, uncertainty can bring stress, but properly channeled, it can have the needed impact of growing our faith. In fact, we should remember all the times we’ve seen the Lord working in our lives as we work through the uncertainty that we face each day. Near the end of her life, Ellen White said the following “We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us…” (Counsels to the Church, p. 359)
When speaking about Christ’s death on the cross and the uncertainty He agonized over during His last moments. She said,
Amid the awful darkness, apparently forsaken of God, Christ had drained the last dregs in the cup of human woe. In those dreadful hours He had relied upon the evidence of His Father's acceptance heretofore given Him. He was acquainted with the character of His Father; He understood His justice, His mercy, and His great love. By faith He rested in Him whom it had ever been His joy to obey. And as in submission He committed Himself to God, the sense of the loss of His Father's favor was withdrawn. By faith, Christ was victor. (Desire of Ages, p. 756)
MAC Family, when uncertainty comes, remember God’s leading and by faith gain the victory!
Principal H