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Each Saturday morning at 10:15 a.m., we are privileged to be able to gather together and study the Word of God.
Check out our various adult Sabbath School classes.
Quarterly Class
This class studies the adult Sabbath School quarterly from the NAD. To see what topic this class is currently studying, click HERE.
Prophecy Class
This class is based on Prophecy Seminar lessons from Seminars Unlimited with the aim to get better acquainted with the books of Daniel and Revelation.
The Seekers Class
This class seeks to know Christ more through relationships and study of the Bible and other Christian books.
Through the Bible
This group reads through the Bible, chapter by chapter, discovering God's application for their lives.
Young Adults
This class is committed to growing in faith and building intentional, genuine and authentic relationships with God and each other.
Glimpses of God
This class studies books that reveal God's love for us.
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