If You Believe in Him...
June 9, 2022

From Jim Hundertmark
Greetings MAC Family!
My devotions lately have focused a great deal on righteousness by faith and while there is no room in this letter for a proper discourse on the topic, there is a nugget I want to share with you today.
Have you ever wondered about the condition of your heart in God’s eyes? Ever wondered on which side you’ll be found in that great day when the Savior appears with all the host of heaven to take the redeemed home? I suspect we all have, but if those questions are on your heart now, I’d like for you to take a look at a few verses with me.
Let’s start with Ephesians 2:8, “For by grace you have been saved through faith… it is the gift of God.” Paul makes a very definitive statement “you have been saved”. So clearly he saw that one could know they are saved. He even states how, “through faith.” In this verse we see that we can know that we are given the gift of salvation through faith.
But faith in what, or who? Paul answers that question succinctly in Acts 16:31, “... Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved…” How could Paul be so bold? Well, because Christ said the exact same thing, “... He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” (John 6:47)
MAC family, faith is believing the Word of God will do exactly what It says It will do because It said it. Our Bible tells us that the first step of having the assurance of salvation is to believe that Christ gives us that gift - not because we’ve done anything to deserve it, but simply because He offers it - it’s ours if we believe Him. Let that sink in… You can have the assurance of salvation, right at this very moment, simply by believing that Christ will do what He says He’ll do! Precious gift! Precious Savior!
Now, I don’t want you to think that I believe that’s the sum total of the Christian experience. The process in our lives doesn’t stop there, like I said above there isn't room here for a full discourse on how belief in Christ will manifest in your life. Today is about knowing, without vacillating, that you are saved if you believe Him!
May God finish the work He started in you!
~Principal H