We are special!
August 29, 2024

From Jeff Freeman
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
This verse jumped out at me today as I read an article in a magazine this morning. Please humor me as I share with you how it impacted me.
“We are His workmanship”! We are not who we are by chance or accident. We do not look like we do because of an explosion or some evolutionary process. We are His handiwork. He created us. He gave us each unique characteristics, yet we are all human. I hope you know that the King of the universe, God almighty, has personally got down on His knees and molded your ears, eyes, and teeth and then breathed into you life! That is so personal and intimate! We are special!
“Created in Christ Jesus”! All of His unique characteristics He gives to us are in Him. We are part of Him. His blood runs through our veins. His power runs through us. That is radical. We are not just created and left to fend for ourselves. He is intimately connected to us. Again, we are special!
“For good works”! His plan, expectations, desires, and will is for us to live out good works. All of heaven is bent towards helping us live out good works. May God’s will be done! We are special and have a special assignment!
“Which God prepared beforehand”! God has opened the door and prepared all we need to do those good works. We don’t have to “contrive” good works. We just need to let Him do them through us! Wow we are special!
“That we should walk in them”! We should walk in them. We could walk in them. We would walk in them. Should of and could of and would of seems pretty clear! We are special!
I was sitting there reading and pondering these thoughts, and I must admit I was feeling energized and filled by heavenly strength. God has given us EVERYTHING so we can be and do good works that He has prepared already to be done.
Driving in this morning, I kept thinking and asking myself, “with God then, being and doing good works should be easy then!” What is the problem then? The truth of the matter is that the problem is sinful humanity.
Thank God that sinful humanity is God’s workmanship in-spite of our sinfulness! God doesn’t make junk, and God doesn’t fail to remember! He will finish what He has started! We are special!