For the Least of These
October 14, 2024
From Pastor Joseph Wamack
I have a confession. I am so spoiled by my life. There is so much I take for granted. Clean water, a clean bed, safety, good food, my health, my wife, my children, my grandchildren. I have so much and yet…. I still at times find a reason to complain. There is too much traffic! The wi-fi in this place is so slow! Why do they only have two checkers open at the grocery store? There is nothing in this house to eat! Oh my, your pastor is spoiled. Spoiled by the comfortable life I have come to enjoy and expect.
I need to remember that the life I have, the life I take for granted-there is someone out there praying to have even a bit of what I have. Events like the two recent hurricanes, or the wars around the world should remind us of how blessed we are with material things-the things of this world. And to be praying for ways to make others less needy.
I recently read that according to the Food and Agriculture Organization, there are 733 million people who continue to face hunger-worldwide. Rising global conflict and increasing rates of natural disasters threaten the health and safety of millions. We face many unknowns that make providing a meal each day difficult or impossible for families around the world.
This Sunday we have the opportunity to help with this worldwide problem. If you are like me, you will have wonderful food Sunday morning and then contemplate and hopefully decide to join us in the gym for the RISE AGAINST HUNGER event from 1-3 PM. To you or me, it might be a fun way to pass a Sunday afternoon and feel good you have done something to help someone, somewhere in the world, with a meal. To you or me-it might be a little. To others, it could be a lot.
No wonder Jesus said, “If you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto ME.” Jesus identifies Himself with the poor, the naked, the hungry, those in prison, those who are hurting. You and I have a chance this Sunday to do something to help the 733 million people-at least a few of them.
Our task, our commitment to Christ is to be faithful to the call He places on our heart. We can leave the measurement of “success” or “failure” to Him or to others. The call and commitment is to be faithful. Hope to see you Sunday!