Light in the Darkness
October 10, 2024

From Pastor Eileen States
The light of Jesus shines brightest in the dark. Thank you Marietta Church family for the part you played in lending a glimpse of light in the midst of some very dark times for those impacted by Hurricane Helene. We were able to share the money donated by many of you with two separate families who lost basically everything because of the flooding.
Eric and I were able to distribute the items donated to a POD (Point of Distribution) where individuals from the area could drive through and request specific items. There was so much appreciation shared with me for how loved the people feel from people all over the country. In the midst of overwhelming difficult times, it helped to know they had not been forgotten.
The volunteer group we worked with was led by Jim Ingersoll and his wife Becky. 2Serve is a nonprofit organization Jim started soon after Hurricane Katrina in 2004. His passion is to use the energy of young people along with adult volunteers, training them on how to best respond in times of disaster.
I want to share with you a text I wrote Sunday evening after Eric and I had been there for our first day of volunteering. It's raw with emotion from all we were seeing and hearing. . .
[Fletcher Academy truly was spared. Possibly so that they could become the hub for the many volunteers (100+ per day) going out to help those in need. There are lots of trees down but very little structural damage to the buildings here on campus.
It's heartbreaking all around. So much devastation. They will no longer let us muck out homes. After one week the mold etc becomes too dangerous - only professionals allowed in.
Now it's all tree removal and working in PODs- points of distribution for needed supplies.
They are sending out a couple crews from here each day knocking on doors sharing 5 gallon buckets of water just so people can flush their toilets! So much we take for granted.
Tonight at worship we were told that the Asheville lost 23+ miles of their water piping and that the area may be without water for 2-3 months! That is unreal!
Fletcher has water from a well so it is good to drink, but anyone on city water still has to boil theirs.
The Academy has electricity and we have pretty good cell service all around.
More and more people are getting their power back. We've seen lineman from Michigan and Kansas and Texas. I'm sure there are some from all over.
Some really sad sad stories of bodies being found when the river went down in Asheville. Over 100 bodies found. People are even finding bodies on their property if they have riverfront property. I can't even imagine!
People are posting on Facebook looking for their relatives they haven't heard from since the storm. Truly sad.
Another group of about 20 from Highland Academy came in tonight. 17 from another group tomorrow and 20 from Southern on Tuesday. Last week they averaged about 100 volunteers sleeping in the church. It's an amazing group of support happening for this whole community. Some great testimonies being shared each evening. Blessed to be able to help in some small way.]
Yes, the light of Jesus shines brightest in the midst of darkness. May we find ways to shine our lights each and every day to those going through dark times.
Together in Service for Him,
Pastor Eileen