Pentacost 31 - Pentacost 2025
August 21, 2024
From Pastor Eileen States
I recently listened to a powerful message by Sadie Robertson Huff. She was speaking to a large auditorium full of people using a microphone in order to be heard by all. About half way through her sermon, she picked up a microphone that looked exactly like the one she had been using. When she spoke into that one, she could barely be heard by those sitting on the very front row. What made the difference? One had power and one did not.
In AD 31 Jesus had just spent some quality time with His band of followers. He was preparing to return to Heaven. In the first chapter of Acts, we are told that Jesus had taken His followers out to the Mount of Olives where He proceeded to tell them that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them. This power would prepare them to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8 (NIV). It was through this power of the Holy Spirit that the fledgling Christian Church grew exponentially over the coming years.
When I think of the illustration of those two microphones mentioned above, I wonder how often I seek to witness and share in the work of ministry like the microphone without power? How effective is that? How exhausting it is to be ministering in my own strength.
Our Seventh-day Adventist North American Division is appealing to its church leadership and members to prepare for and participate in a Pentecost 2025. What does that mean? What does that look like? Those plans are still in the making. What I do know is that I yearn for that power. I want to be used by God as an effective witness wherever I am, and I don’t want to do it in my own strength.
Will you join me in preparing for and praying for a pentecost outpouring of God’s Spirit on our own MAC family? That we may we be an effective beacon on this hill in our community.
And while you go to your knees in prayer, please pray for the upcoming Praise on the Hill event planned for September 7, 2024. Pray for God to be preparing the hearts of those who need to come and hear the message through song and the spoken Word. Pray for each volunteer who has and will be giving of their time to make this a God-sized successful evening. Pray for God to cover us with His blessing of good weather!
Together in service for Him,
Pastor Eileen