November 9, 2023
From Pastor Eileen States
If you were to ever click onto our church’s website (https://www.mariettaadventist.org/) you would immediately be drawn to watch a video titled WE ARE. If you would like, we have magnets for you to place on your refrigerator or on your car to advertise to others that WE ARE a family of believers building relationships with God and each other by investing in the passions of young people, fostering involvement and being a positive influence in the local community.
I wanted to take a moment this week to again place that mission statement before you as a MAC family. We have so many committed individuals helping to fulfill that mission and we thank each and every one of you who do so much for MAC.
One can always tell if someone is invested in a faith community when their language changes from “your church” to “our church”. When one takes ownership in their faith community, they want to help it become all that God has purposed it to be.
Some of you may be wondering where you might be able to use your gifts and passions within our church family. I’m glad you asked! Let me share some of our current needs that may spark an interest in your heart to get involved.
Our Audio Visual team could use a few more interested and talented individuals to run our sound system on a given week.
We are in need of worship leaders and musicians willing to lead us in worship. With such a culturally diverse church family - I dream of having different styles of music giving us a taste of heaven!
Piano players for cradle roll sabbath school or for worship teams
Our children’s departments are always in need of people willing to assist and or substitute when leaders are unable to lead out. (Children’s department volunteers are required to go through an online training/screening process.)
Our Hospitality Team is in need more greeters and Hospitality Hosts.
Maybe God is laying a different passion on your heart - don’t ignore Him! Let the pastors know where God is calling you to minister.
“For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ. . . . Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them”! (Exclamation added) Romans 12:4-5
From my own experience I know that when I am involved in a church community, I receive a blessing that can only come when using my gifts for God’s purpose. Each of us has a part to play in helping this MAC faith community minister at a healthy level with every member involved, using their gifts to further the kingdom of God on this earth and for His eternal kingdom. Will you join us in this mission?
Feel free to give Pastor Joe or I a call or send a text or email on ways God is prompting you to get involved.
Blessings be upon all of us as we seek to become God’s hands and feet, His body for this community where He has placed us at this time in earth’s history.
Pastor Eileen