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Thoughts from our team...

KSU Baskets

August 11, 2022

From Jackie Payne

Who is coming to our KSU basket assembly and drop off this Sunday?!? We’ll be meeting at noon in the gym for a pizza lunch before sorting all the items that have been brought in, putting tags on each basket and assembling everything. Then, we’ll break into groups/families and take baskets to KSU’s campus to hand out to students we see walking around.

As I was toting over a hundred empty baskets in my car yesterday, I thought about how each basket represents a student. Each basket represents someone who is a child of God, whether he or she knows it or not. Each basket represents a family of origin, healthy, complicated or whatever. Each basket represents emotions about this semester (excited, dreading it, nervous, angry, etc.). Each basket represents friendships and relationships. Each basket represents someone’s son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter.

May we lovingly put these together and pray over them on Sunday. What a privilege it is to be a positive influence in our local community.

See you this weekend!


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